Article 9

We the People have the Right to privacy in our homes and outside our homes to properties end over the medium of the internet. This includes ending all Entity backdoors, and programs which currently listen, gather, and collect data and information within the home and out to properties end without a person’s direct consent and prevents further intrusion of any Entity without the Persons knowledge except in times when an Investigation is required, and a Warrant is provided by a judge. We also have the right to continued use of Internet capable products and devices that we purchased while declining any terms presented with such requirements to be listened to, gathering or collecting data and information from within the home or outside to properties end for their intended purposes. We hereby tie this article to the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and extend its protections of the rights to Privacy to include the Internet including Internet of Things, Devices, and Smart Meters inside and outside the home to the end of one’s property, including internet connected cars, and require all Entities divulge any knowledge to the People of such current and future violations.


Addendum to Article 9:
We the People define that the purpose of the internet is not to be used for spying upon the People in their own homes. We define Spying as anything that is Internet capable and records, views and listens and obtains information about you or your family within the home and does not divulge to you exactly what information is being gathered and stored without your clear knowledge. To thwart the current state of privacy invasion, we require all Entities to divulge immediately all knowledge of any consumer devices that include Microphones, Cameras, Listening Devices, Firmware on Network Routers, Switches, or Network Interface Cards, Infotainment Systems, Surveillance of any type, Data, and Meta-Data Collection of the person and that are capable of spying and listening in on the American People within their homes and as far as to the length of their property so that the People can make their choice to keep those devices in their homes. When we purchase our Televisions, Microwaves, Refrigerators, Dish Washers, Cell Phones, etc., it was not with the expectation that they would be used to spy upon the American People but to perform their designated function. We demand all Government Programs disclosed and non-disclosed and Tech Company Programs and any other programs from any source that exist and are used to spy upon us in our homes be deconstructed and NEVER recreated again. Our right to privacy within our own homes will not be violated any further and from hence forth from devices Inside the home or through to the length of the property. It must be made very clear and brought to light to the People that for any future devices that are sold in the United States, be required to include Warning Labels on them in Large Bold Lettering on the outside of the packaging of all future sold Electronics, Machines, Appliances, Internet of Things, Devices and Smart Meters and divulge exactly what data is being collected, and if the data collected is changed in a software update, it must also inform the People of the change and what new data is collected. We want People to have the ability to make an informed choice to decide to take into their homes, as well as to help discourage companies from making devices that can Spy upon the American People. To be clear and to give an example. If an Internet Device such as a Refrigerator has given expectations to access the Internet to perform a service, and gather certain data, it must only perform that service and no further data collected outside of that service need. In regard to the information collected on a Person, services such as used in the Refrigerator example must also allow for the person to request data deletion, at any time, regarding data that has been collected regarding that Person.


Definitions for Quick Reference:

Internet is hereby defined as the current Internet, All Future Revisions of the Internet, and Future Internets.

Entities are hereby defined as Corporate Entities whether Public or Private, Non-Profits, Government Bodies, Artificial Intelligences, Automation Engines, and Machines.

Artificial Entities are hereby defined as Artificial Intelligences, Automation Engines, Bots, Software, Smart Meters of any kind, and Machines of any kind.

Artificial Intelligences are hereby referred to as A.I. and defined as an Artificial Entity and should Artificial Intelligences ever become defined as People they will NOT be so for the purposes of this Document and granting such rights to A.I does not enable them rights except afforded by the articles in this Document. The workplace is hereby defined as all Government Entities, Companies, and Non-profit organizations.

Shadow Banning is defined as a practice where a person believes they are communicating and being heard by others but are not and is a form of Deceit.

Encryption is defined as an admission of the people who intend their data or traffic be Private and is not an admission of guilt and such actions/reasons/insinuations may not be used against the People when asked why their data is encrypted. Everyone has things to hide and is not the business of others, and should not be viewed as a criminal or an incriminating act