Article 20

Data and Information collection on the Internet shall not be allowed to be collected by Default by any Entity and must require a clear separate message, in bold print, what data is being stored before service rendered on the Internet. Data obtained may NOT be sold to other Entities without the persons consent. Entities may not access data stored at another Entity even if partly owned by those Entities or share a link or bond or is a subsidiary of any kind without the consent of the Person, and each Entity must have a separate agreement presented to the Person at time of request. Data may be shared within Law Enforcement Community when a warrant needs to be served and only while under investigation.


Addendum to Article 20:
In an effort to help keep our personal information more private and easily removable in accordance with Article 19, information is often times sold without our knowledge or is put in really fine print through pages of an End User License Agreement or Terms of Service. Language is often not understood and sometimes looked over or passed by. It should not be difficult for the People to opt out of our data being sold and methods should be provided by sites to do so. Prior to selling any such information the user must be notified with a second message outside of the original End User License Agreement or Terms of Service to explicitly opt-in and give their consent to sell their data. It is our right to Privacy as well our information and we believe this data should not be sold and shared without our knowledge.


Definitions for Quick Reference:

Internet is hereby defined as the current Internet, All Future Revisions of the Internet, and Future Internets.

Entities are hereby defined as Corporate Entities whether Public or Private, Non-Profits, Government Bodies, Artificial Intelligences, Automation Engines, and Machines.

Artificial Entities are hereby defined as Artificial Intelligences, Automation Engines, Bots, Software, Smart Meters of any kind, and Machines of any kind.

Artificial Intelligences are hereby referred to as A.I. and defined as an Artificial Entity and should Artificial Intelligences ever become defined as People they will NOT be so for the purposes of this Document and granting such rights to A.I does not enable them rights except afforded by the articles in this Document. The workplace is hereby defined as all Government Entities, Companies, and Non-profit organizations.

Shadow Banning is defined as a practice where a person believes they are communicating and being heard by others but are not and is a form of Deceit.

Encryption is defined as an admission of the people who intend their data or traffic be Private and is not an admission of guilt and such actions/reasons/insinuations may not be used against the People when asked why their data is encrypted. Everyone has things to hide and is not the business of others, and should not be viewed as a criminal or an incriminating act